2nd Annual Postdoc Symposium (2019)

2nd Annual Postdoc Symposium (2019)

We invite you to the Second Annual Postdoc Symposium to be held on Friday, June 7th , 2019 in the beautiful Kroon Hall at Yale. The symposium welcomes Postdocs and Associate Research Scientists (ARS) from all departments and fields of research to present their work to the Yale research community. This event is sponsored by the Yale Postdoctoral Association and is free for postdocs and ARS.

Communicate. Explore. Connect. 

This symposium is a great opportunity for professional development and networking within the Yale community. The goals of this event are for you to:

  • Communicate your research
  • Explore the diversity of postdoctoral research performed at Yale
  • Connect with other postdocs

This day is designed to increase the visibility of Postdoc Research at Yale. This event will focus on the diversity of our community and our contribution to the research excellence at Yale. It will be a great way for you to discover new fields of research, connect with unexpected future collaborators in other departments, and increase your network in the research community. This event gives a unique opportunity to get more out of your Yale experience than spending days and nights in the lab.

The organizers 2018 - 2019:

The organization of this second Postdoc Symposium at Yale was made possible by a team of exceptional postdocs. They invested their precious time to make sure the event will promote postdocs on campus as well as generate a formidable opportunity for all postdocs.

  • Elizabeth Acorn
  • Pol Arranz-Gibert
  • Nadia Ayala-Lopez
  • Barbara Banz
  • Maikel Boot
  • Ilaria Domenicano
  • Sam Dundon
  • Maria Ferrara
  • Rolando Garcia Milian
  • Anupama Hemalatha
  • Radoslav Janostiak
  • Alexandre Jourdon
  • Marianna Leonzino    
  • Giani Pezzullo        
  • Mancy Tong    
  • Berrak Ugur    
  • Chantal Vogels    
  • Jianyu (Daniel) Wu
  • Anne Wyllie    
  • Kelson Zawack