Ishita Arora

Ishita Arora

Former Coordinator
Advocacy Committee
Yale Postdoc Association

Ishita is a postdoctoral associate at the Yale School of Medicine. She works with the Division for Prevention and Community Research and with the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. As a clinical psychologist, Ishita provides therapeutic interventions to the survivors of abuse, violence, and trauma. As a community psychology researcher, Ishita collaborates with institutes of higher education and community partners to develop, implement, and evaluate prevention and intervention programs that aim to – (a) promote adolescent boys healthy transition into adulthood, (b) prevent gender-based violence, (c) and enhance academic career achievements for women faculty, staff and learners through the Office for Women in Medicine and Science at Yale. Ishita received her PhD in Clinical and Community Psychology from University of Maryland and joined the Yale postdoc community in 2022. Ishita has been an active member of several advocacy and community services committees during her graduate school in India and the U.S. In India, Ishita led the community services committee’s initiative of providing free rural mental healthcare and promoting child rights and education. In the U.S., Ishita advocated for Psychology graduate students as the President of Psychology Graduate Student Organization and as the representative of Human Services Psychology helping the graduate student community as a liaison between students, faculty, and university administration. Ishita’s work is guided by anti-racist, anti-casteist, anti-oppressive, and decolonial praxis which has led her to participate in several diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice committees and organizations at University of Maryland and at Yale University. As a co-coordinator of Yale’s Postdoc Association’s Advocacy Committee, Ishita hopes to promote the postdoc community’s overall wellbeing and advocate for equitable financial, behavioral, and healthcare benefits for all postdocs.