Art in Research Contest 2020

Here are the winners of our 2nd Art in Research Contest:

Surbhi Pathania Alisha Chitrakar Xiangyu Gong Krishna Mudumbi Danielle Peterson
Ryan Nguyen Clara Liao Valerie Tornini Gita Pathak Wenwei Li

You can view the gallery of all the submissions here.

Announcement for the contest:

To showcase the extraordinary research at Yale, the Yale Postdoctoral Association and the Vice Provost for Research Office are announcing the second annual Art in Research contest. Postdoctoral researchers, associate research scientists, postgraduate researchers, and graduate researchers/students working at Yale can submit their research-related images, photographs, illustrations, models, and videos in four different categories. This year, we present a special topic for entries called “Videos on COVID-19”. Through select submissions, we hope to inform the Yale community and a wider general audience about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and also showcase some of the latest COVID-19 research at Yale.
The top three submissions from each category will be selected as winners and announced online. A special prize will be awarded to the winners of the 2020 Videos on COVID-19 topic category (see also below).  Moreover, you will get a chance to showcase your submission on the diversity of research at Yale in diverse media outlets, including Yale’s new COVID-19 website (, internal announcements, and promotional material. 
